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ACBA Leasing is the first registered specialized leasing company in Armenia, which was founded in 2003. March 30. Leasing, being a potential financial tool for economic development, was not yet available to Armenian businessmen. Given the need to invest in this funding և the preconditions for development, it is decided to carry out a huge amount of research work, identifying the legislative framework that needs to be transformed.

Unity is the beginning, unity is the path to progress, working together is the path to success.

Below we present the prehistory of the establishment of the Company. Given the fact that this type of financing did not exist in Armenia before, but which was a potential investment lever to increase the productivity of enterprises, to modernize fixed assets, the International Finance Corporation - IFC (IFC is a member of the World Bank), Carrying out market research for the United Nations, he expressed a desire to participate in the creation of opportunities for leasing operations in Armenia. Enormous research work has been carried out to identify the legislative framework in need of reform. Involved in the creation of the Lebanese Leasing Company (LLC), IFC applied to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). In the spring of 2007, it offered the French Credit Agricole banking group to become a co-shareholder in the program of establishing a leasing company in Armenia. According to a common opinion, such a local partner was "ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" CJSC, which had a rich work experience and ability to carry out leasing operations.

Mission և values

  • Assist small and medium enterprises operating in all sectors of the economy, farms to acquire equipment and means of production
  • Make leasing the most frequently used tool in the Armenian financial market
  • To ensure the development of the production sector of the RA economy
  • Assist Armenian enterprises in upgrading fixed assets.

The success of any organization depends, first of all, on who works there, what values they have, and what the relations are like within the organization.


ACBA bank
Holder of 95% shares


